Classy bouquet - Give an elegant bouquet of selected cymbidium and hippeastrum twigs with an attractive decoration. It's a bouquet with more style than New York at night. Perfect for a person with sophisticated aesthetics.
The "I'm thinking of you" bouquet is an excellent choice for those who want to express their thoughts with a single gesture. This composition consists of beautiful roses and cymbidiums....
The "Breath of Spring" bouquet is a joyful combination of flowers that symbolize the arrival of spring. This is a unique gift that will let you feel spring in your...
The "Beam of Hope Bouquet" is not only a beautiful flower arrangement, but also a symbol of hope that each of us needs. Lilies, roses and asters create this beautiful...
The "Happy Day Bouquet" is a perfect choice for any occasion when you want to bring joy to your loved ones. This composition consists of beautiful roses and irises. These...
The "Smile" basket is a combination of beautiful flowers that will brighten up every day. Hydrangea, freesia, iris, chrysanthemum and a mascot in a basket create a cheerful composition that...
The bouquet "Sincere greetings" is not only a beautiful composition of flowers, but also an expression of the warmest greetings from the depths of the soul. Chrysanthemums, arachniodes and grass...
Enchantment with Classics - this is the phrase that perfectly describes this elegant bouquet. Composed of beautiful cymbidium, anthurium leaves and aralia, and ribbons, it is the perfect choice for...
"Dream Basket" is a combination of beautiful flowers that will inspire the recipient to share their dreams. Our team of florists selected gerberas, eustoma and, together with the garnish, placed...