This bouquet consists of beautiful red roses and delicate daisies that symbolize love and joy. The whole has been decorated with elegant paper and ribbon, creating the perfect gift for a special occasion.
roses, daisies (chrysanthemums), decorative paper, and decorative ribbon
The "I'm thinking of you" bouquet is an excellent choice for those who want to express their thoughts with a single gesture. This composition consists of beautiful roses and cymbidiums....
The "Breath of Spring" bouquet is a joyful combination of flowers that symbolize the arrival of spring. This is a unique gift that will let you feel spring in your...
The "Beam of Hope Bouquet" is not only a beautiful flower arrangement, but also a symbol of hope that each of us needs. Lilies, roses and asters create this beautiful...
Tulips are flowers that are associated with love and romance. They are the perfect choice when you want to confess your feelings or give something special. Our tulips are fresh...
Give joy and smile to a loved one with this beautiful bouquet of pink daisies. The bouquet was wrapped in decorative paper and tied with a beautiful ribbon.
Fulfill the dream of a tiered flower cake for a special occasion. The composition "Hundred Years" consists of beautiful eustoma, gypsophila, santini, chrysanthemums and is decorated with an elegant cake...
The "Happy Day Bouquet" is a perfect choice for any occasion when you want to bring joy to your loved ones. This composition consists of beautiful roses and irises. These...
Summer is a time of joy and carelessness. This bouquet, composed of sunflowers and solidago, will reflect those feelings and brighten up every day. The Summer bouquet is a true...